In Ed today..
Warren the 15yr old virgin (atleast im guessing he's 15 coz it sounds nice)
while trying to sneak into college parties as a college dude
shockingly, is invited in by Hot Carrie, college babe.
(where do they keep getting all these colleges anyways?! Are they jus laying around all over town?!)
they get in
she pulls him into a private room
u know somethings up
(n no i dont mean anatomically)
they make out
he strips
n den she cant do it.
cant carry out with the game apparently
where she gets a 1000 points for sleeping with a virgin.
so cliche eh?
n yet after finding out tat he was being played
he was still actually trying to convince Carrie to win that 1000 points..
are guys really all that lame?
willing to be played
to be made a joke of
jus to get sex?
will they do Anything for sex?
How exactly is it that u make out with someone you dont love?Anyways.. if u watched.. u'd see wat i mean.. He was so lame la...
But.. guys right.. Heh..
Forgivable for all their sins..
Jus bcoz of their sex..
Totally understandable it seems...
And then, thruout the whole episode today actually
Warrens friend was trying to convince him that he shud look right in front of him for love..
Their friend Diane/Daphne.. who knows..
Diane or Daphne, watever, was always helping Warren out..
Helping him try to get 'the girl'..
And.. predictably.. at the end of the episode..
he starts to see that, maybe she wasn't tat bad after all....
But if u ask me..
Shes way too good for him..
Why is it that ppl think its ok..
To show a girl standing by the guy..
Loving him from the start..
Helping him to 'achieve his dreams'..
And when in the end he falls for her..
Its a sweet romantic love story.. ?!
I think the guys a jerk for not knowing what he had in the first place..
Why should the girl only get the guy after he's done trying to get other 'better' girls..
After he's rejected by them or something..
Why only after the guy
realises that shes the one for him..
Why should the girl only get the garbage?
How is it fair that he can go out n have all the fun..
Make mistakes n not appreciate the girl who loves him..
N when he finally decides he wants her after all..
Shes all set n ready for him...
And all the while she was there for him..
Loving him..
In pain while he was off getting other girls..
Watchin him watch others..
Helping him get them in fact..
In pain when he was in pain
In pain when he wasnt....
Im sure she sees it as a good thing..
Atleast she gets the guy..
n tats all that matters...
Everyones happy den..
Its jus..
And about the game the college kids were having..
U cant really say if a guy or a girl would have the upper hand at the game..
Girls wud have willing victims.. But they might be too soft n pull out of it..
Guys wud be kejam enough to carry it out... But they'd have to spend a lil more time charming the girls..
Den again... Dont girls always fall for their charms anyways...
Notice how all these tv ppl
which technically portrays life over der
have ppl figuring out that maybe they do love that person they are with
only after getting together
after even sex maybe..
So they get together..
date, hang out, make out.. enjoy each others company...
Then only figure out they're in love?
Wats that about..
(Nathan n Hailey are Hot together... Lucas is hot too.. =P)
N den there are people who wait..
who know tat they are in love..
But it doesnt always help does it?
And so again..
How do you kiss someone you don't love?
Pressing your lips against theirs.. Telling them you love them..
When u actually dont..
How do you share an intimate act..
Something you use to let someone know how much u care for them..
with someone you dont care about..
not enough anyways..
..I think i know how...