Friday, March 4, 2005


I Had always wondered whether it was actually possible to Feel pain...heartache, when one is emotionally scarred...
Whether emotinal pain could be transfered and expressed in physical pain...
Never having felt it before, i used to wonder..
Or t'least, wonder wat it would feel like..

I remember...the first time ever, i think... tat i noticed this... or atleast, thought of it, n associated it with heartache..
When i broke up with... one of my exes...
There was one stab..
jus a little ache.. around the chest..
I did think of 'heartache'.. but i also accepted the possibility (n think that it most probably was..) that it was jus a coincidence.. or jus some physical pain.. unrelated to anything..
or jus something psychological..
"U break up with boyfriend. U must feel pain now."
hmm..cant remember what it felt like..
But i do remember that it was jus one single stab.. n tat was it.. hehe =P
*Naaaaaahh.. wasnt too hurt bout the break up... wasnt in love or anything..*

Second time i remember...
once last year when something saddening happened..
wen i lost somebody..(in some sense..)
and i was crying..
it seemed like my heart was being squeezed...with every sob...
THat felt more like heartache..
n i wanted it to be too..
a sign that i was indeed hurt...
that it meant something to me...

oh well...

Now i can conclude that it does happen..
That your heart can break.. or ache..
N somehow, for some reason.. u can feel physical pain..
A deep, hollow feeling inside...
Like your heart is being squeezed..n squashed..
stamped on..
extreme pain sometimes..

I dont understand it..
N i dont think any science exists to explain it right?
Why should your heart ache?
How does your body translate emotional pain into physical pain?
And why is it the heart that is affected?!

Because, eventhough we relate all matters of the heart, to, well, the heart..
technically, we dont exactly understand WHY we call them matters of the heart, do we? (or is it just me?)
Why is the heart, that particular organ, that we, humans, chose to relate to our emotions?
(And why is it that in malay we call it hati (translated: liver) when technically, we mean the heart, as well?)

I still wonder...
How is it that when one feels emotional pain.. that it can be translated by the brain to cause a physical pain.. a pain that one can actually feel, and identify...
why is it that the heart aches...

Or is it all psychological?
Where we all feel the pain..
Where we associate emotions with the heart, and therefore 'feel' pain there..
Where the brain instructs the body...or rather, itself, to 'feel' an ache at the heart..
to register so called 'pain'...

Oh well...
All i know is,
I AM Really REAlly interested in the human heart.
N i wanna cut people up and poke at their hearts.. (=P i mean check out their hearts n generally work with that la, of course. =P)

Good nite.

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