Today! I showed my brother the book i've been reading!
The Man of Property - John Galsworthy. First book of the Forsyte chronicles.
so proud!
Then we went over to MPH and Guess wat?!
I see The Forsyte Saga! Staring at me! New pretty package n all!
first 3 books plus 2 interludes i think. but ive got the 3 books..
he said buy la. (it wud be so totally cool!)
but nvm lo.. i already have the books.. n they arent exactly reeling me in right now..
So. Cool. tho.
n me just wanted me tell everyone walking by to GO BUY THE BOOK!
(it has me in it!!!)
So anyways. here i am telling u guys.
It has ME in it!!
Oh Look!

I'm so pretty!
yay! ;)
Apparently the shows really good.
n the girls all pretty n stuff.
the movies on sale at
at $ 39.99 n $ 41.97
when I'm 24.
I'll marry the guy who buys me that!
or maybe just get engage la..
hehehee.. =P
You know. 3 years ago.
I said that I'd marry the guy who bought me this dog.
n i told this thing to this guy
who happened to want to marry me.
fortunately it was the dog that I bought for a friend of mine. so, no one cud actually buy it for me.
in the end to get away.
i got him to propose to my best friend. the one i gave the dog too.
and They got married.
I'll remember.
I have to remember.
It's what keeps me alive..
i'll remember to remember.
remind me to remember?
The Man of Property - John Galsworthy. First book of the Forsyte chronicles.
so proud!
Then we went over to MPH and Guess wat?!
I see The Forsyte Saga! Staring at me! New pretty package n all!
first 3 books plus 2 interludes i think. but ive got the 3 books..
he said buy la. (it wud be so totally cool!)
but nvm lo.. i already have the books.. n they arent exactly reeling me in right now..
So. Cool. tho.
n me just wanted me tell everyone walking by to GO BUY THE BOOK!
(it has me in it!!!)
So anyways. here i am telling u guys.
It has ME in it!!
Oh Look!
I'm so pretty!
yay! ;)
Apparently the shows really good.
n the girls all pretty n stuff.
the movies on sale at
at $ 39.99 n $ 41.97
when I'm 24.
I'll marry the guy who buys me that!
or maybe just get engage la..
hehehee.. =P
You know. 3 years ago.
I said that I'd marry the guy who bought me this dog.
n i told this thing to this guy
who happened to want to marry me.
fortunately it was the dog that I bought for a friend of mine. so, no one cud actually buy it for me.
in the end to get away.
i got him to propose to my best friend. the one i gave the dog too.
and They got married.
I'll remember.
I have to remember.
It's what keeps me alive..
i'll remember to remember.
remind me to remember?
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