Hey, look what i found.
Pon and Zi.
theyre a couple of emo cartoon characters and theyre cute as hell.
You really must go n have a look!
Effects best with emo personality.
(like me)
But semi emo ppl are able to appreciate it too. :)..
oni if you're all happy happy airy like some ppl i know (who are not here), then it wud be much harder to see whats so special bout this two fellas (apparently they're asexual hmm), n ud look at me all funny like i was weird or something.
Tho ofcourse some would argue that you dont have to be happy happy airy to look at me like i was weird.
But, that aside, I think theyre awesome n beautiful so have a look n hopefully you can see the beauty in it too.
Do you go 'aww'?
Youtube over here for a quicker view.
tho i wud argue that for some of them you might need to look at them for a while before really getting it.
This are a couple of my favourites..!! :)..
Pon is the yellow one n Zi is blue. (so you know atleast One reason why i love Pon. =) )
i thought Pon was the male n Zi the female but apparently theyre asexual. :p
no wonder it was hard to tell at some points.. :)

I Love this obviously, because Thats Me!
I'm Emo!
(just made it my desktop pic but doesnt look all that great back there.. :) )
n wont it be nice if someone would think that? (im interpreting it as a nice thing Zi is saying..)
(i have always been one to say that its awesome when ppl love someone for their apparent 'shortcomings')
poor Pons so sad... Thats me! the emo! :)
i also love that its 'ello'.. :)

This ones Awesome.. haha.. :)
Pon rocks!
n there're quite a few pretty cool lines that i can see some people i know turn around n use...

this one kinda tingled a nerve somewhere in me.. but didnt quite jar anything..
probably because while it is something that probably means alot to me in some way.. i couldnt immediately figure out how..
but then i figured its how this was something that was very important to me at one point, n i think i would have liked it more (not that i dont already) if it was an offer, as opposed to a request, to keep someone safe; 'i'll keep you safe while you sleep'.
But then, that it was Zi (who i thought was the girl) keeping Pon (the (not really) guy) safe.. that part was right..
n then i remembered how Ryan had said "stay in? so i know you're safe?".. n the way he said it too.. n how that was one of my favourite parts of the show. (OC)
tho the reason stems from above.
N thus, (because 4 is really too many n if i dont stop, the whole collection would be here..), we shall end with..

Oh yes. There really are alot of lines there you could learn..
got you this piece of grass instead
Eating Gummy Bears - http://www.ponandzi.com/images/28.jpg !!!
I Know!
So the cuteness no? :p
U Were always for the sadistic stuff... :p
Not exactly the cuteness... no.
No no no~~~!
Very the cuteness yes!! =P
No, this is cute: http://www.damnimcute.com/gallery/v/kellycuoco/kellycuocofamily1.jpg.html
Oh God No.
How Dare you! Pons grass beats that in a milisec!
pffft! Kelly Cuoco is waaaay cuter than those retarded emo... things.
Nooo~ *Bawls*
Thats not what you said last night!!
i mean.. time! Last time last time!
*ahem* who was it that called you cute last night?
ive run out of things to say edi. :p
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