Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just tonight

i found out that someone has been seeing someone. for 3 yrs now, n we're only just finding out.
tsk tsk.

a friend, who as recently as a day or so ago (or thats when he decided to announce it to the world atleast) got into a relationship, just told me more about his girl.
n this guy, hardly a month or two ago, was talking to me bout how he has commitment issues n what not. hah that! =p

i spoke to like.. some 9 people..
which must be some kinda record for me..
some for a couple minutes, some for much much more...
people i speak to everyday, people ive had less chance to talk to, people i havent spoken to in months, people who have been ignoring me till now...

found so many..

yet lost someone tonight...

I did stupid things tonight.
probably because i was already emo.

F***ing emo now n not necessarily bcoz of stupid things.
but just cause.

you just dont get it.

some are forever.

Dont lie to yourself, dont lie to others.
If its your choice, be a man n admit it.

thats what you never did on this end..
n what you must do to fix it.

If you want something, it takes effort.
n that aside.
Good things, take effort.

Oh God, please...

Im really tired.
n i dont want to do it.

i dont deserve this havin to deal with half-heartedness anymore.

its really very simple.

Do it, or dont. n a 100%.

leave me be so i dont have to settle.

I need God, i need fate, i need the World..

i need to know what my future holds for me.
or atleast, if its gonna be ok?

i need to know what is there for me out there.

Im not sure i want in on this life.

Baby, where are you?


Brian counting.wav

Heres a link of my boy counting. =P

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