Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dont sit outside the cave door

ah, its been awhile, again.

Today i learn that i am tropical weather. and green.
not just green green, but green of the grass during the night.

I dunno about the green though, but i guess i could be the still of the grass during the night.
Like dusk. I would like to be dusk.
But maybe i am a later time than dusk.


Tropical weather.
N if you wanna know why the outlook is overcast, its because having you in my life brings on the rain.
You are my forecast.
You are what gives them the scorching sun, and the relentless rain.
but now, mostly the rain.

Ah well.
a moment of weakness and 'added more of you to my life'
well, well.

Upsetting though..
To be like the guy in Perfume.
while you will always be, like the last girl he sought, the prized one.
ah well well well.

i wish i may, i wish i might,
but whats the point of wishing on a star at night.

P.s. oh but dont let that make you think i am unhappy.

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