Thursday, August 19, 2004

Antz sew (I)

And so,

Last Saturday night, me and my parents went to this apartment place in Taipan for dinner.
We go to this place alot for a few reasons.
Mainly, they have nice fish dishes, about the only thing my dad can/should eat these days...(oh the woes of the aged...)
and Also, cause they speak English.


Its terribly hard for my family to go out for dinner in KL. My family members either dun noe ANY chinese, or only noe a dialect that is not Cantonese.
And when its not cantonese, nobody here understands!!!

U noe, there was this once that we went to this hawker place and tried to order porridge.
The lady couldnt understand my mandarin n I couldnt understand her cantonese!
So how did we solve the problem???
My dad told me what he wanted in English,
I told this other hawker in mandarin,
He pass on the order to the porridge lady in cantonese,
who answered the hawker in cantonese,
who explained to me in mandarin,
n I translated back to my dad back in English!

Wooooh! ;)

NEwayz! so back at the apartment place, my dad ordered pomfret TeoChew style! Yummy! ;)
I heard my parents complaining about the dish when in came, but i wasnt really paying much attention. It seemed perfectly fine to me!!
In Fact! I usually save my rice to eat with other dishes, and only a little fish (not a fishfan) but this time, I was enjoying the fish way too much that I didnt even stop after id finished my rice.
Happily downing the gravy i was when the lady came up to my table, n my parents started telling her that the fish was not fresh.
She agreed regretfully saying she had noticed something was wrong, n i watched as her hands fell on the dish.
My mouth opened n i started to gap...
She was about to take my fish away!!!
She started apologising n explaining to my parents, as the fishdish waivered in the air....
I stared at it shocked...gaping....I wanted to tell her to put my fish down! In fact, i remember stuttering and gesturing for her to leave my fish alone! But nobody was paying much attention to me...

Finally, she took my fish away from me!
I turned to my parents n whined! "What was wrong with the fish!?!?!"
"It wasnt fresh."
"Where Got?!?!"
"The meat tasted funny..."
"but...But......That was like, the most fish I've ever had in one go la!!!"




Hey! Atleast I wrote Something!!!

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