Tuesday, July 27, 2004

when water meets earth


Someone made me feel bad today...hai...:(

[EDIT: I took off the events that i wrote here coz...well...i was talkin bout ppl i noe...who noe me...Anywayz...]

I wonder whether i ever make other people feel like dirt...
Because this person im talking about is a nice person.
Sometimes. Most of the time.
Helpful. Friendly. nice...?
Nice to me sometimes too.
But sometimes...i think kinda looks down on me...
well i sure hope i dont do that to other people....
But if i did, i dont think id know.

Guess all of us really need to pay attention to all the little things we say and/or do.
If it just affects wat other people think about us, some of us might not care so much.
but wat if it affects how other people feel about themselves???

Weird thing about this place.KL.
I dont think i'd ever been look downed at back in my hometown.
In fact, i dont think i really cared what others thought of me back then.
I was comfortable with myself, sure of myself, held myself well...
Very few people could make me worry about what i was.
well not among my peers anyway...
But this year has been totally different.
Here at college suddenly im all insecure.
looking up at everybody(almost) n feeling stupid about myself.
When people talked in groups i wonder whether i should join them, whether i was allowed to, whether i would be welcome...
stupid dumb pathetic stuff.
Dare not speak to people unless spoken to...
ok la, not with my classmates, or those i can call friends la...
but still with some people.
people that i like i guess.

wonder why is it that way here...

hmmm...didnt think id write all that extra crap.
Cant add too much aldy though...using library comp, have someone standing behind me...

Ugh. too much crap. ;)
till nex time.

BTW, sorry bout d last entry. :) Just woke up feeling bad. ;)


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