Thursday, June 30, 2005


You know you are in need of a haircut, badly, if,
you scare your own self.

-You look in the mirror, n the long black locks falling down the side of ur face reminds you very much, of certain women in white..with long black hair.. in certain movies.. Or physically similar women that appear in the middle of roads at night. (Oh my Fckin GOD Im Bloody Scared while writing this at 5.45am, all alone downstairs in my living room, at night! FCK!)

- You catch a look of you hair spreading out while u lie on your bed, n it scared you so badly that images start popping thru ur brain n you need a call from your oh so brave n loving (note the coughs n exagerations here..) boyfriend to stop you from, screaming your head off n actually explaining to other people the embarassing details of what scared you.

ok yes im fckin scared right now..
I guess the reason why i havnt been bloggin lately..
other than the fact tat ive been jus a teensy bit too lazy to..
Would be, coz, my sweet ass boyfriend, whose ass isnt actually all that sweet, has been occupying all my late night hours tremendously well n tremendously much (n i hav i feeling im spelling tis wrongly..), at this time wen conditions are most suited for me to do my best blogging.. (Or, apparently, Any blogging for that matter..)
The wildest things that you could think that we've been doing, would probably please him very much, so i shall refrain from making any explanations.
Juuuust to please his huge ego..


(Fck you Fabian! Typing the bloody title oso gives me the bloody creeps! Im So Dam Scared! ARGH!)

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