Tuesday, March 21, 2006

wheatgrass juice

i haven't been drumming for a while..

but this

ahem. i say it makes me wanna perfect my drummin skills!

but unlike this

the first ones Not a drumming video.. =P

its a guitar solo. n i wanna marry that guy. n alot of girls probably want that too!
so ive to hone my drummin skills n go drum for him!

haha. i cant believe i said all that crap. =P

anyways. u guys shud check it out. s'really cool. :)

oh ya. remembered wat i wanted to blog about..

i just realised today..

i cud, instead of taking up medicine..

jus take up nursing / mid-wifery..
i'd probably be able to go to some nice place since it'd be more affordable n stuff.. heh.

i watched this show where there was this male nurse / mid-wife / somethingsomething.
i think male nurses are Hot!

n it kinda hit me today..

i dont want to be a nurse. never did.
but if its just the mid-wife part. where u take care of deliveries, take care of the mother n baby n stuff like that.. thats pretty ok..
before i wanted to be a heart surgeon, id wanted to take up gynaecology.
birth n pregnancy had always been somewhat of a fascination of mine..
but it wasnt the check ups n scans n female problems n stuff that i was interested in..
just the births..
so theres where being a mid-wife / nurse wud apply more den being a gynae.

but i also knew that theres pretty much no way i'd give up studying medicine for that..
i do want to be a doctor.
n i do want to take up the challenge that is this course.
switching to nursing (n i dont want to be a nurse.) wud be seen by me myself, as settling for something less.. changing my goals coz i was afraid i wont make it..

i do want to study medicine.
i wont be the best.
i wont be outstanding.
but i can do it. (i think)
I am capable of taking up.. n hopefully..
completing this course.

but dammit i dont want to be a doctor.


(p.s. dont worry. im not one of those ppl who takes up medicine coz of the glamour or money or wat not. (as my dad has been trying to hint) theres no glamour. theres no money. theres too much working hours. i do want to be a doctor (surgeon hopefully). i just dont enjoy the 'being a grown up' part thats attached to it.)
also. i worry sometimes that im not cut out for the job..
there are alot of aspects to cover.

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