Yesterday morning, I woke up really pissed n upset..
Im not Extremely sure what it was about..
But i have an idea..
Or atleast what i believed..
keeping in mind that i was rather groggy..
Didnt exactly go to bed the happiest of people..
But wat my mind believed was tat..
Was pissed because i had to wake up..
which meant waking up from a dream..
N waking up from This partIcular dream
wud make ANYONE Mad!
Guess what i was dreaming about
Brad Pitt.
(ok, admittedly.. i Do know Some people who Wudn't be Too mad about waking up from this but.. leeets jus gloss over that now shall we.. :p )
I mean.. COMe On!
Its Brad!
BraD PiTT!
WHY wudnt i Want to me Locked in a dream with him Eh?!
(Aside from the fact that he cheated on his wife n went off with someone else...)
From what i remember..
There was Brad sitting down somewhere..
N i was walking pass..
Something was going on in the background but i cant really remember wat..
(I mean, UnderStandbly! All i care about was Me n Brad ok???.. :p)
N he pulled me
to sit on his lap
(HahA! Yes i Know! Shudup!)
N i distinctly remember reaching over to play with his den short spiky hair.. before being woken up by my alarm.. (or AtLeast thats all im SayiN! :P)
Ok ShuduP n Listen!
Its not my fault OK!
It was a Dream! :p
N it Was only the First time i've dreamt of Brad.. :P
it wasn't Purely Brad Pitt i think..
Thats just what my mind told me..
He didnt eXactly look like him..
20-ish.. young.. handsome ofcourse..
slim instead of built like Brad is..
nah.. the only reason why it was Bras was because tat was wat i was told.. :p
I Think..
there was an element of someone else in him...
There were also a couple aspects of different dreams i think.. that had some significance...
But i cant remember...
So Anyways!
As i set my alarm to snooze continuously for about half an hour every morning..
Basically i was upset yet amused yesterday morning..
Waking up n snoozing the alarm..
Cursing away about havin Brad taken from me..
N drowsily falling half asleep, still cursing away..
n waking up again every 5 minutes..
Same thing happened this morning too tho..
Woke up upset n pissed..
But! No dreams about Brad...
I DO remember being allowed to play with his hair tho.. =P
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