Tuesday, February 12, 2008

picture on a bus

"Have you ever looked at a picture of yourself, and seen a stranger in the background? Makes you wonder, how many strangers have a picture of you."

When i heard that, i was completely omg.
Bcoz That is me.
Im the one that always wonders about that, that exactly same thing.
i think about it often, even about bloggin about it.
about all those pictures with ppl we dont know in it n the ones maybe we are in. When i see a stranger holding up a camera when im walking by, i think about it.

I think about buses n how sometimes when you're in it n you're traveling you see all those ppl outside that you past by, n they see you.
All those lives that you just past by, but who were an insy bit in yours.
n how sometimes when a bus passes you by, someone in that bus sees you.

but ofcourse.. at some point you'll realize.. amazing as it may seem sometimes, that is just life.
n its like all those maybes and what ifs, all those things you'll never know.
that guy you never said hi to, the girl you didnt stop to help.
the strange number you never called back.

but since our lives are not from a teenage drama (with overgrown actors), nothing that dramatic would come out of it i guess. tho sometimes you never know.

like that penpal i had and den stopped writing to at, what, 13?
n he found me again after 7yrs?
n that was wow.
n if he is always as cute as he is sometimes, as he was that other day, maybe i would have liked him too. n we could have been happy.
haha.. no.. we wouldnt have been. :p im just over dramatizing things. :p
but we're friends now. n its odd but okay.
n if we could be a lil better friends, then that wud be pretty awesome.

Lucas : "No. I miss basketball everyday. But to have it halfway, is harder than not having it at all."

Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, when it does, is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who will watch over you when you stumble and fall? and in that moment give you the strength to face your fears alone.

You need to stop shutting me out.
If you keep pushing me away, one day i'll stop pushing back.
One day i'll give up and stop.
N then what will be left?


Ashwin said...

Someones been watching too much OTHill


Allyssa said...

Someone has indeed!!! Hahaa..

Holding out from finishing season5 too soon! Only 7 epis! n 5 more left for me! *cry!*

Ashwin said...

Gah... all I've seen is season 3. Hailey lost a lot of points that season, leaving Nathan alone like that.

Stupid woman!

But she's cute!

The guitar dude was funny in season 3 btw

Allyssa said...

Hahaa.. wait.... somethings wrong here.. You Say you dont Care for Lucas.. n yet here you are feeling oh so sorry for Nathan... Is there something wrong with this picture... :p

Ah boohoo. All he had to do was go Visit her or something. S'not like she stopped Loving him or anything cheh. :p

Stupid annoying guitar dude. appears in the 4th season too. haha.

Ashwin said...

Yay! I thought he was gone for good. I like it when he annoys everyone

I didnt say i liked Nathan... just said it was wrong of her to ditch him like that and go smoooching guitar boy.

Allyssa said...

ok.. i heard alot of talk about this smooching the guitar dude.. (which is most gross.. But guess what! Worse things happen! Btwn guitar dude and.. ahem.. i wont say.. =p)

but i really do not remember ever seeing it!
i must go back n track it!

Ashwin said...

Thakn you for not saying :)

Allyssa said...


I now have something to hold over you!
