Monday, August 11, 2008

fools in love

haha.. i was announcing at several places that i was going to watch the Dark Knight 2nd time around, at 11.30pm too! (time is important coz its not always i get to watch midnight shows ok! =p)

False alarm!
due to several technicalities.. (haha)
watched the Mummy instead.

(forgot that maybe i was supposed to save that for somebody.. hehe.. but nvm.. :p)

Hollywood thinks its ok to make shows where the characters try to speak chinese.. and it all sounds really comedy-funny when you cant speak chinese yourself..
but they seem to forget (or more likely not care) that Chinese ppl actually watch the show!
n It all becomes really lame n totally blows the movie la ok.. haha..
Especially when the chinese ppl in the show themselves cant speak chinese!

i mean.. its not their fault, n not that i judge chinese ppl who cant speak chinese!
But here is like, Michelle Yeo, who has to speak chinese in the show, n i guess bcoz maybe she sounds to all the orang puteh (white ppl) like she actually knows what shes sayin, but to us, its all lame n you can Totally tell that she cant speak!

haha.. ok ok.. maybe that was too mean..
but really it was dam hilarious n lame la...

haha.. not that the show was bad!
haha no no.. it was pretty good..
(marred by the absense of someone to insult the movie with tho.. hehe..)

just not all the chinese speaking parts.. haha.. :p

Anyways, Dark Knight shud be soon. =P
or as my Dad calls it, the Black Knight/Night. haha.. (See elly, I Thot i was exaggerating bout the whole White knight black knight thing! but i really wasnt! hahaa..)
shud. :p

feeling melancholic, and sentimental..

but going to bed now anyways..

is evil as well but oh well..
whos on the losing end anyways?

some people are lucky but dont know how to appreciate it.
n maybe some ppl shud by now realise.. maybe i wasnt the mean one after all.
i was right bout it all.

n we are all fools in love.

that includes you as well.


Ashwin said...

Awww... poor bwaby. Didn't get to watch Black Night again.

btw, there is a movie called black knight. I think it has martin lawrence in it.

PS: I'm intentionally avoiding caps for proper nouns & other stuff. holding the shift key down for every name or sentence start is just too much work. i'm lazy, i've made peace with it.

Allyssa said...

Haha.. i dun get it.. Everyones oni like half hearted bout the whole caps thing what WHO CARES?! =P

But you Did put it up for PS tho. Not as at peace as you thought! Hah! =P

Ashwin said...


I am! I am!