Allyssa has met
the Most beautiful thing in the world~!

maybe this would be a good time to, you know..
follow those ppl who name their phones.
So, what do you think?
Any suggestions?
Look like a.. James? no..
Jordan? no...
William??? hahahaaa <--inside joke
Ive had it for 7 hrs now n Still i havent opened it!
Thats bcoz i spent the first few hours taking photos and admiring it..
Staring n staring..
Jus cant take my eyes off of you babe~!
But after that i just got distracted by other stuff la.
Was a whole load of drama getting this phone, mind you.
But then again, my life has been wrought with So~ much drama in the last few days, you wouldn't believe.
N ive managed to keep a good head through it all so..
I'm doing good..
Maybe u'll hear about it all some day.
Now its time to study!
(Damm its 3pm! Wtfoof! Didn mean for distractions to go so far..)
But wait!
First to uncover..
wait.. what name did we decide on?
the Most beautiful thing in the world~!
maybe this would be a good time to, you know..
follow those ppl who name their phones.
So, what do you think?
Any suggestions?
Look like a.. James? no..
Jordan? no...
William??? hahahaaa <--inside joke
Ive had it for 7 hrs now n Still i havent opened it!
Thats bcoz i spent the first few hours taking photos and admiring it..
Staring n staring..
Jus cant take my eyes off of you babe~!
But after that i just got distracted by other stuff la.
Was a whole load of drama getting this phone, mind you.
But then again, my life has been wrought with So~ much drama in the last few days, you wouldn't believe.
N ive managed to keep a good head through it all so..
I'm doing good..
Maybe u'll hear about it all some day.
Now its time to study!
(Damm its 3pm! Wtfoof! Didn mean for distractions to go so far..)
But wait!
First to uncover..
wait.. what name did we decide on?
Oi... look whos back! (Er- You!)
I have some names for your new phone:
Sihny-mother- er.. you know...
Plastic man! (that's one fun Justice Leaguer)
button (which is a chick name and I dont really like, but who knows what you chicks like anyway)
slithero (coz... you know... it slides open)
I'll think up some more if you dont like these.
Ah i apologize for gettin back to u so late.
Guess i left n came back n left again! (n came back again. briefly. :p)
Spasmatron??! Dude. Did u really think for even a second that i would name my phone Spasmatron?
Dude. u So need to get a new phone of your own to name man! or maybe a few kids. =p
Hmmm... I didn't really expect you to come back for quite a while. And now, there's a reply and three new
Duuuude... SPASMATRON! How could you not like SPASMATRON???
Come up with something cooler than that name. I dare you!
I did get a new phone by the way... but i just haven't gotten around to naming it.
About the kids... I think we both agree that at this point of time, I should really be allowed to make copies of myself.
Maybe bcoz it sounds a lil... oh i dunno.. Spastic??!? :p
Come up with a name yet??? WHY not Spasmatron!?? If its good enough for mine, it shud be good enuff for urs. But i'll bet u want it to be something like Princess Sparkle. Or Xena Warrior Phone Princess.
shouldnt. i really think you mean shouldnt.
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