Hi everybody. Anybody who Actually comes here!
Anyways, this is obviously the 1st entry of my 1st ever blog n i have no idea wat to say!
ok, i have a tinsy little idea, nothin to do with this being the first blog n all...jus somethin dat happened today..
Well 1st id like to say dat, i started this blog cause i felt the need to get my thoughts out of my head a few months ago. Having no friend that i can really turn to for something not urgent enough, i decided to get a diary. It was great help but the thought of putting my thoughts out in the open where maybe someone out there might read it, and maybe even comment on it, that was so much more than the diary could offer, so...here i am. :) I sure hope i can keep this up...
Introductions eh? Well, id also like to say that, unlike most bloggers (or most bloggers i know atleast) I'd like to keep my anonymity. Because i think im going to pour out my heart and soul, my innermost thoughts and feelings, into this blog. And I dont want the people i know to know that its me...my insecurities i guess...Comments or advise?!
Anyways, ok so today i was at the hospital collecting my medical report. 2 ppl were kinda not so nice to me today, 1 i knew, 1 was the nurse at the hospital. But im not gonna complain about them today, if i can, cause ive chosen to speak of the Nice person instead! :)
Theres this doctor there that i have a crush on...haha, just kiddin. He's like 40+ ok?! No crush, but i kinda admire him a little. 1st of all, few days ago when was doing my check up, he was really nice to me, and i kept thinking 'He's so sweet!'.
But today i noticed something even better! U know how people are always talking about how stressful a doctors life can be?! Well he had this perpetual smile locked on his face! It was so amazing! He'd come out of his room with his slightly up-turned lips and walked to the next room. Then he'd come out again and he'd still be smiling! From Room 8 to Room 10 to Counter 13 to Counter 12! I Never saw him frown or even just not smile! He seemed to find joy and amusement in every single thing! And he wasnt a 3 yr old kid, he was a 40 something yr old doctor! (Ok, so maybe his job isnt that stressful, he just draws peoples blood!) But still, i just couldnt get over how life just seemed to be all sunshine and blue skies to him!
I'm quite sure it wasnt a 1 day thing. Cause the 1st day i saw him, he was also smiling his little smile! He also has this aura, this thing that he exudes, that just makes people around him (me atleast) happy, pleased, and at ease! It was so comforting and pleasing to watch him just walk around with that smile stuck on his face! He makes me feel that is what a doctor is supposed to be like! Totally approachable, letting his patients feel at ease and all. Then im sure his patients will totally trust him!
Hmmm...I also dont know why, but i was trying to catch his eye, to smile at him or something, but everytime he came closer and there was a possibility that he might notice me, I'd shy away. Kinda. Sorta a admiring from afar kinda thing. hahaha....im nuts!
Well anyways, when my medical report was ready, and i was about to go, i was able to catch his eye and smile. And after that there was 1 point where i was walking towards him and he was walking in my direction, with nobody around, so i chatted with him. That was cool. And he actually picked up my report and chatted back to me! That was So cool! I'm sure simple gestures like this, taking a notice in the patients, yours or not, can somehow make the patients day. Letting them know that someone cares for them as a person! It wasn't something that he was obligated to do, he just did it!
Haha, i sound kinda pathetic, like this simple thing can change my life or something! No, im not saying that. After all, i was only collecting a medical report, not being cured of some terminal disease or something. Just, i guess patients would appreciate this kind of concern and humanity (right word?) from the doctors! :)
I have NO idea why anyone would want to read this!? Haha, but maybe hope that those aspiring doctors would take heed of this small little incident? I'm sure that i wont be as nice as he is if/when i become a doctor, cause im not a nice person :), but maybe one day of my life, i'd remember this incident, and work at it, even if its just for one day. After all, you never know the lives you can touch or change with just a smile! hahaha..... :)
If this was pathetic, please leave your comments...I'd like to learn from it all and get better! :) Thanx!
Out. ;)
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