Monday, July 30, 2007

what is it to you?

Contrary to prior notions

its not OC thats dangerous,
or even Greys..

Its Tree Hill. maybe.

not that it makes me sad or anything.
just.. gives rise to indulging in unhealthy thoughts.

i have way too much time on my hands.

what i need to remember

no matter how many times u try.

when, how, if.

no matter how many times u try

it doesnt really change anything..

N i shudnt care or bother asking

coz ur answer isnt gonna be illuminating, or provide relief, or anything of anything at all.

dont you get it?
nothings gonna change..
u cant change the past. u cant change the whys n hows n whats.
u cant change the truth.

its the one thing u cant change no matter how many times u lie.

But i've always given in to u, to ur wishes.
because i have always been weak.
because you are my guilty pleasure n i crave to indulge.

its likely im gonna be weak again tonight..

Bear with me.

Do ur prayers work?..

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