Monday, August 20, 2007

Momentarily untitled

What I have done this hols:

1. NOT moved to new blog. (need to be kicked in the ass for tat. no! not literally! I'll settle for mentally. really.)
2. Not Found new blog to move to.
3. KLCC on Sat.
4. 1U on Mon.
5. 1U on Tues.
6. Midvalley on Weds.
7. Asam pedas at hometown on Thurs!
8. Fishy soup (n asam pedas!) at hometown on Fri.
9. Youtube on Sat.
10. Sort of Subang parade on Sun but not really really oso..

{ Words u might not understand above are either names of Shopping centres or of food. =P }

As u can see..
Busy busy occupied huh.
But not reeaally either.. Lots of healthy boredom n moping about doing nothing as well..

Oh ya n definitely

11. LOTS of Not doing anything productive.

Yup. that about sums up my hols.

Thing is, more than half my outings were with old friends n alot of times it feels obligatory.
like. purely obligatory.
Thruout the whole week i had to plan a Number of outings with said friends bcoz ofcourse, holidays are times for obligatory meetings.
Friends that i have not seen for, say, a year or so n now that we 'can', we 'Must' meet up.
Right. Must.


They're not all disastrous of course..
yea the few i Hav had so far were... okay..
(n yes.. i will admit here.. some i did, purely to get it off my back....)

But i have one more set for today.
Today because if i dont, there will Be no other time.
N as i said earlier, we Must of course.

Why do you make it such a big deal when you know we have nothing left to say?
You know that everytime we talk nowadays its always the same lame stuff just to avoid the awkward silences as much as possible.
what have we still got in common now that we can talk about?
How much do you still care?

N its not that i dont care.

I'm just being realistic.
n Honest. (tho admittedly, this honest part is completely in secret as ofcourse, i agreed to the outing.)
I miss you.
but what i miss is what we Used to have. n what will never be anymore.

So tonight i will see you.
N i hope that You will hav something to say.
bcoz i'm too tired to dig up things to say n find u uninterested anyways.

N Why do I make This such a big deal?
because I was the one who cared n You were the one who walked away.
because I had to learn to accept n now You are here pretending.
n I am not gonna pretend bcoz, Firstly I do not pretend.
n Secondly, you do Not get to pretend when,
You were the one who walked away, n I was the one who cared.

I am sorry.
N i do feel guilty.

So, tonight, I will see you.
n maybe it wont be so bad after all.

Try harder wont you.

I had really weird, freaky dreams early this morning.

The first was that I'd Missed an exam!
Boy was that freaky.

First, i'd woken up late, n had Completely no idea that the exams were held that day!
Something to the effect of.. There only having been 2 weeks of classes, n i'd not checked my timetable to see when the exam was, Yet, coz Usually.. USUally my exams are held at the end of 4 weeks.

N den ofcourse i arrive at the place where EVERYone was sitting for the exam.
(at like.. 9.08 or something.. exam started at 9 apparently..)
I was outside some house or something, n i was cycling.. i think..
n i pass everyone sitting at separate exam tables n Den it hits me and i freak!n i cycle along the rows waiting to u-turn to get there so i can take the stupid exam too when..
er.. i dunno.. i guess i Think that it might be held at this other house..
So i'm at the house nex to the one i wanna go to (which is down the road from the first btw)
n i try to get to the one i wanna go to..
n i forget wat happens but it TAKES A WHILE!
n i FINALLY get there n den i realise that the exam IS NOT THERE AFTER ALL!
N den i rmmbr that i REALLY shud head back to the FIRST house..
but again.. i forget why..
but i was HELD UP!

i cycle down the road to the first house..
n a couple ppl are moving past me, opposite direction, n i see one of them is my batch rep.
n he stares after me incredulously!
N i get Near enuff to the house to realise that the EXAM IS OVER!!!
N Den it Hits me again that as its 10.30! (God knows how i know the time in the dream..)
N my exams oni last for an Hour!



quite freaky.
n something about telling my dad i MISSed it. Ugh.
But tat wasnt bad, coz he pretended to not freak out, for my sake i guess. Tho tat wud ofcourse ONLY happen in my dreams. Tsk.
N anyways, his NOT freaking out was actually kinda scary.

N den at some point i woke up.
N digested how freaky the dream was!
But also consoled myself tat as it was a dream, it was NOT really happening.
N wud be unlikely to happen!
That is, the Not knowing its Exam day shud be unlikely!!!
The missing the exam is completely plausible.

Scary isn't it.
The thought tat you dont even have any friends to TELL you that you're having n exam.

Ok. Gonna head to class now.

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