Sunday, April 13, 2008


I love you baby..

Even if we put aside the video

I neeeeeeed you, i love you!

You're the one who makes me happy on any dark or gloomy day.
You make my heart light n give me goosebumps.
Anything n everything about you. (tho ofcourse thats just being romantic. im not a fan of the smoking n if i saw anything on drugs i wudnt like That. or whores. lets not forget the whores. :p)

I told you i'd always love you.

(I told you, baby.)


n on the side we have this,
just for kicks..


So 3 of my boys are (have been!) in Thailand (for so long)

Please, please please Pllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase!!!

Dont sleep with the whores!!! (i mean the Actual ones... not name calling anybody! :p)

(oh n the 4ths gay so.. hes covered. (but atleast hes in Clean ol' Canada (well, Clean-ER!!)))

no offense.

but no one wants you dying an early death. :p

you're too young n too.. educated (tho technically.... :))
to do anything stupid ok?

(btw that song with the Thai girl was freaky boys. (the only bright part was that beautiful line you did with no other sound...)


n back to the story,

I love you baby.

You make me happy.


Ashwin said...

Who are these people? And why are their videos no longer available?

Ashwin said...

You can of course tell - I wanted to watch the second video. Even if it does not look real. Most of my life isn't real anyway.

Allyssa said...


Awwww Im sorry Ashwin! I'll go repost em for u soon ok?? :p