Friday, June 27, 2008

love affair with your dust


Its 9.18am n i havent slept yet.
(so obviously i wont be going out with u la Pah =/)

I think when i stay up for long hours till morning (like really really morning, 7-9am morning, 4am is not counted, thats normal. :p), many times its bcoz theres something i wanna blog about, but i cant really find the words.

Like this night.

theres some stuff that i would like to make a record of,
but i cant find the right words..
cant find the right way to put it,
it just sounds very blah now in my head..

But oh well.
S'not like i can stay up much long.
(dam, im already starting to get hungry. bah. n ppl are up downstairs so i cant go steal food. bah.)
so yea, obviously i wont be doing that (blogging).
but, we'll see.


i never knew..

those words that you have up there..
hah! i never knew they were about mine..
hilarious.. bcoz.. dyu know..
everytime i head over there n see those things..
i get so upset and jealous! jealous!
bcoz your words would always remind me of, what i gave you, but i thought that it wasnt mine, n so i was jealous.
(jealous that you pick something that was so like mine, but not mine, to be up there..)
n upset. to the point that i even dislike heading to a certain strangers blog, bcoz of similar things that are there. (no offense meant to the blogger or blog, which i actually like, theres just something im personally sensitive about.)

dyu know that i actually hated your words...

so today, when i finally found mine again, n then it suddenly hit me.
the words, your words..
it was mine.

haha. yes i could laugh.

how silly..


i love you too...

so that was one good thing
and another wud be being appreciated by some people..
n the conversations you can have..

do you see me like he does..
did you / will you ..?
like he thinks he does.. he doesnt really though..

why cant we be normal?

n reading blogs (in chinese) that make me feel..



n bad things would be reading bout the juniors ta pau-ing the exams, tho they dont know it yet..
n getting all pissed off,
bcoz i feel so incompetent, n stupid, n useless. ARGH.
sigh. n you've moved on from it bcoz you can..
but i cant yet.
n if i continue to be useless, then i wont ever be able to.


*thinks choc cake*

oh n.. i just realised today..
Man.. i forgot my blogs birthday!
9 days ago, 4 year anniversary!
its been long..

so the cake i posted yest shall be for you ok baby? :p

n when i go have it (which shall be SOON bcoz PAH has ordered it to be so! :p)
it shall be in your honour ok?


have to bed now before i die.



Anonymous said...

you see, you COULD have gone to sleep and thought about blogging//actually blogged earlier, but NOOOO, instead you chose to mooch about until 9 am (which is when i woke up), so now it is YOUR FAULT THAT WE CANNOT HAVE CHOCOLATE CAKE, IS IT NOT?
here i am, trying to be nice and helpful and supportive by listening to the songs on your sidebar but then it is Just Not Meant To Be because it is streaming much too slowly, so i Cannot Listen To It.
maybe it's just God's way of protecting my delicate ears. FROM ASSAULT.
ok, now i am going to go shopping.
fare thee well!

Allyssa said...

You know.. having 'mooched' around till 10 actually I actually slept until half past 3! N woke up thinking, hey its so late! My dad wudve already left for work!

But i was WRONG! WRONG!
I Had to go work then as well.

So see. If I Had not mooched n Had blogged n slept earlier, i wud merely have woken earlier n have had to go to work earlier.
So i say, all round, it was a pretty good plan. =P

But we do seem to be running out of time for movies n chocs.. :(:( SEE ME SOOOON!! Or quick get back from the babies so we can GO OUT ARGH SO MANY MOVIES TO WATCH SO LITTLE TIMEEEEE! =P

(actually im not sure if u'll even read this.. haha)