i wish i was perfect.
this is something that plagues me, on n off for a long time..
maybe it comes after everyone, at some point or the other, for any amount of time
i dont know.
but it has been bothering me especially,
Most of the time if you asked me,
if i wud change something about myself,
id say no.
But if you asked me,
if i am happy with myself,
id say no too.
Sometimes, its really a terrible thing..
going around feeling, seeing so many ppl that are better than you.
it bugs me.
it bugs me when i watch my friends get along better with ppl that i try to get along with.
but just cant seem to do it right.
it bugs me when i see other ppl, have better relationships with ppl i know.
but was never able to forge / maintain such relationships.
it bugs me when i meet people, n i try to get to know them better, try to get along,
but you jump in, n without any effort, manage to win them all over.
n i know that no matter how hard i try, its just never gonna work out in my favour.
im just never gonna be good enough.
it sucks when you look at yourself, n you know all your own flaws.
when you try to please people, try to matter.
but it doesnt work.
when you are told of the mistakes you've made, n are kick out of ppls lives.
when you hurt the people you care about..
all the ways you've gone wrong..
it hurts ok, it hurts.
n i'm sorry..
i wish i was perfect.
i really really do.
but i know im never gonna be able to be good enough for you. any of you.
i know i'm not gonna change..
n i know that every person is their own person for a reason in this world.
but sometimes i hate being such a terrible person.
n i also wish that i didnt whine so much bcoz a perfect person totally wudnt do that.
n btw, this post is an emo post, bcoz this blog,
this whole blog,
is an emo blog.
i'm sorry if you think u've wasted your time.
this is something that plagues me, on n off for a long time..
maybe it comes after everyone, at some point or the other, for any amount of time
i dont know.
but it has been bothering me especially,
Most of the time if you asked me,
if i wud change something about myself,
id say no.
But if you asked me,
if i am happy with myself,
id say no too.
Sometimes, its really a terrible thing..
going around feeling, seeing so many ppl that are better than you.
it bugs me.
it bugs me when i watch my friends get along better with ppl that i try to get along with.
but just cant seem to do it right.
it bugs me when i see other ppl, have better relationships with ppl i know.
but was never able to forge / maintain such relationships.
it bugs me when i meet people, n i try to get to know them better, try to get along,
but you jump in, n without any effort, manage to win them all over.
n i know that no matter how hard i try, its just never gonna work out in my favour.
im just never gonna be good enough.
it sucks when you look at yourself, n you know all your own flaws.
when you try to please people, try to matter.
but it doesnt work.
when you are told of the mistakes you've made, n are kick out of ppls lives.
when you hurt the people you care about..
all the ways you've gone wrong..
it hurts ok, it hurts.
n i'm sorry..
i wish i was perfect.
i really really do.
but i know im never gonna be able to be good enough for you. any of you.
i know i'm not gonna change..
n i know that every person is their own person for a reason in this world.
but sometimes i hate being such a terrible person.
n i also wish that i didnt whine so much bcoz a perfect person totally wudnt do that.
n btw, this post is an emo post, bcoz this blog,
this whole blog,
is an emo blog.
i'm sorry if you think u've wasted your time.
being perfect is overrated...
trust me, i know.
haha..okay...self delusions aside...
even those people you think are perfect think they're imperfect...so trust me, somewhere out there lies a person who thinks yOu're perfect.
Hahaa.. perasan eh.. :p
Just one? Hahaa.. Well i guess i'll be waiting for that someone eh. =P
P.S. Maybe we shud re-think such names for good N bad ppl alike. =P
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