Saturday, October 27, 2007

R. I. P.

(back dating post)

My grandma passed away last night..
or early this morning.. not sure..

but i never really knew her so
theres no need to offer condolences.

My parents went up today, probably for the funeral
i didnt though.

I havent seen my grandma in years n years n years..
so maybe this is my last chance for a look at her..
but.. i have stuff to do..
n maybe its not necessary?

im sorry if its bad to you ah ma.
n im sorry i never really knew you.

but im sure you're in a much better place right now
bcoz i dont think your last few years were all that good..
in a way it was kinda sucky that it drag on n on ah ma..
i hope that you were able to achieve / see / hear what you wanted / needed to
in the last few years
coz otherwise it wud all have been for nothing.

My ah ma was about 90..
coz we celebrated her 80th about 10 or so years ago i think..
so that is a good age, no?
I wish you didnt have to suffer during your last years n for so long.
but its over now.
I wonder how you are.

Im not sure what to say to my mum.
But i think she'll be ok..
its not a very nice thing to say..
but i dont think she was that close to my grandma..
but she was still her mother.

But we shall all remember that you led a long life..
n your children will lament not having spent enough time with you, maybe?
i duno.
But we can only hope that you are well now.

N i think you are. :)

I would like to pray for you..
except that i dunno know how..

but thats ok right, ah ma?
you never really did understand this new religion that your kids n their families took up did you? =P

N i'll try my best, not to leave my parents behind..
when i grow up n start having my own life.

Well, not too far behind anyways.

R. I. P.


Anonymous said...

Pah is sorry to hear the news.

Allyssa said...

Why thank you Pah. :)

Ashwin said...

Hmmm... I've always wondered why we're (or just me maybe) expected to feel close to relatives we don't really know and who know us even less.

Allyssa said...

Yea.. Thankfully no one expects too much.. i think.. or not for too long atleast.. =P

Or its just you. =P
