Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Does anyone else find it really funny / amusing that Paris Hilton is now dating Benji Madden, the identical twin brother of Joel Madden, who is dating Nicole Ritchie (n father of her child), Hiltons ex best friend? Hmm?!

I mean what with all the, shooting a whole series which involves the two of them being in weird places n doing weird things Together, without being in the same room! You'd think this whole dating brothers thing (twin brothers no less! Who are both in the same band!) would.. i dunno.. be a problem.. Not to mention the usual "oh, she couldnt have what i have so she settled for the next best thing!" scenario.. which ok.. would be rather an insult to Benji.. if such a thing were said. tho i dont think it is. haha.. Maybe the twins do have the same tastes after all.. hahaa..

ok so anyways..
considering the news amused me and immediately brought me to this point..
it den ofcourse became a rather obvious doubt.. that if no one else (the media) had picked up on this thoroughly fun issue to jibe at, that maybe they had reconciled sometime ago and gasp! i failed to notice! (haha.. den you cant laugh too much at me actually knowing all these things.. :p) a completely possible erm.. possibility (haha) at this point. :p

so i had to google it up.. n hah!
They Did make up!
And that was 2yrs ago! hahaa! so lame la..

ish.. its so odd how if you go by the lives of the stars.. time seems to pass really really fast..
like certain things happen to certain famous ppl and you happen to think of it one day when boom you realise that it was ages ago.

ok ok..
now its begining to scare me that i can talk so much, analyze so many points on Paris Hilton n Nicole Ritchie. -_-"
I mean.. nvm if its Britney Spears! That woman has such a messy life that we could All go on bout it forever! =P
(but i guess.. what do i expect when we (ahem) can even talk about the finer points of tissue paper. =P)

aha.. so anyways..
if they arent gonna catfight over the brothers..
den good for them coz Now they can Gasp! Live the BFFs dream!
omg like, totally!
I mean What do 10yr old BFF's pledge to each other!
*in whiny voice* "We will be BFFs Forever! We will grow up and marry twin brothers! who are rich superstars! And live together in our 2 family mansion! And our children will play together and Marry each other! oh wait.. they cant coz they'll be.. cousins... *gasp* They'll be cousins!!!"

i am so lame. =Pppppppppppp

ok la..
enough of this mindless talk. :p

Oh but i must add.
"Are you smarter than a 5th grader" is one amusing show to watch.
kinda dumb la but haha.. who doesnt like shows where we can sit down n laugh at other ppl.
i know its evil. but admit it! You all love doing it too!
but i concede.. the questions arent always that easy. ;) (tho some definitely are!)
but ya la.. it is a million dollars la.. cant give away for nothing. :p

But But!
You Do learn some things on that show.
Like there are actually such things as cirrus clouds and stratus clouds???
haha.. ok.. shows how much our kids learn compared to them americans. (i wonder what happens after they grow up... :p)
UnLess! We actually Do learn all this useless stuff in school.. but i either never paid any attention, or it was in a different language n i didnt bother to remember.

I accidentally (not-on-purpose. ya ya i know u know what it means) found a live version of Broken by Lifehouse and its a rather good one.. n the rawness of the song makes it kinda.. good in some ways.. so i thought id opt for that (to be played on sidebar) instead of the album version i had.

n others.

Oh and.
like i keep telling my dear friend,
not one day goes by where sucky things dont happen, where i dont exclaim bout how lucky certain ppl are to be so far away from home.
as much as that might suck.
it is a blessing in so many other ways. :p

bcoz annoying ppls are everywhere. =p

So count your blessings already woman! =P (*think bout all the you-know-whos!!)

N btw, People magazine is evil!!
I know you'll agree! =P


Anonymous said...

okay..so how is it that you managed to get the whole "nicole richie got knocked up by the madden guy (incidentally, he went out with hilary duff for a really long time before this!), and NOT know that paris and nicole are no longer fighting?

(i would have googled it too, if my life was less pathetic -i.e. i had better things to do other than reading trashy mags and therefore didn't know,ahahahaa!)

haha..i can't remember if i told you, but when i came here there were a few conversations in which we were trying to identify clouds, the damn cirrus and cumulus and whatever..haha..well..actually that discussion went on for 2 days...
hmm...maybe i should google it.. :P

and yes, we learned it in standard 5 or maybe 4 or 6, anyway, around that age..and somehow i have chosen to retain Only Selectively What I Want To Retain, which is actually...nothing, not from primary school anyway.
or sec school either, come to think of it, hahaha...

and yes, your dear friend realises that not one day, in fact, goes by without sucky things happeneing that MaY make you wish you could leave, but she also would like to point out that Sucky Things, regardless of What or Who they are, remain Sucky...and Some Sucky Things or Situations just cannot be compared, because they are not linear things and there is no way (that i can think of) to standardise Suckiness.

and BTW, People magazine is NOT evil..it is most entertaining and useful. thou shalt not speak ill of such an illustrious source of amusing, intellectually stimulating stimuli (especially if thou is not providing said stimuli considering that thou is in fact jobless and therefore very free)
*an idle mind is the devil's workshop*
your dear friend begs leave now, she must study as she has clearly been spending too much time procrastinating (i.e.Not STudying).

tOodles darlings!

(you too, ashwin..) :P

Ashwin said...

What? you two share a joke about me coming here too often

Allyssa said...

i dunnoo... coz i had better things to do back den? n the knocked up news oni came about wen i was supposed to be studying i guess. haha. also, they announced when
-she is possibly pregnant
-she is pregnant!
-she is pregnant Possibly with Maddens child!
-they are possibly going to get married!
and so on and so forth..
so i was Bound to hear it at some point. =P

Omg. so we're All just waiting for Lindsay to make her claim on the guy den!
And then they can group together n go "omG! I cant believe we used to fight over that Carter boy. Pfft! What a child! What were we thinking?! Now heres Joel! I real maaan! Look at those Tatts!"

Well. we all know whos Jobless now dont we. =p

i dont get it. why do you retain all this information from back den! (n why do i not??)

No one is comparing suckiness! But suckiness does infact exist at home as well! So you might as well rejoice escaping from certain sucky things (eventho u hav to put up with others..) But hey! Optimism! haha..

It is most evil n you know it. It cant even provide PROper info! All its articles are SO Short! hahaa..

n i So am providing stimuli!!

Allyssa said...

Ashwin -

No no...

she meant you're a darling too.


Ashwin said...
