what i wanted to say was,
I Did not sleep the whole night,
my work had not been completed.
I was Pissed off and angry
at ppl who Shud listen but talk back to you. (n are stupid. bah.)
at the system.
but mostly at myself.
I was emo-ing on the ride to school.
N i was wondering whether my mood was in fact affected by lack of sleep (almost complete absense of)
But wondering, who wudnt be pissed off in such conditions, even with sleep.
(But yes. Sleep would have helped.)
真正爱你的男人,只可 能在你一个人的面前流眼泪。
n had my class (which was dum. but i say that in a nice way)
n when i got out of class
1 hr ago,
i suddenly found myself,
acting happy. =/
Talking to yourself (and extensively so) is probably a sign of mental illness.
But for me, stems from being a pseudo-only child. apparently.
[ I actually have 3 older brothers, which is like the farthest thing from being an only child, but a school obligated trip away from home for a few days brought some comments by friends who were with me that i seemed like n only child, n dey eventually figured out that it was bcoz i dont actually Have any of my brothers With me, to keep me from physically being unlike an only child.
My 2 eldest brothers have too big an age gap btwn me n them that they stopped playing with me once i grew up past the kids stage. N they've been away studying/working since i was 3 i guess.
N my 3rd brother, a year older than me, left abroad for studies when i was 12.
He too apparently talks to himself alot,
which probably comes from the same reason.
That we've been alone / without siblings, for most of our lives, since 12/13 yrs of age.]
im hungry.
因为他为你做过的每件事都已 经这么说了。
But un-digressing. (or in? like, indigestion. =p)
Walking around cussing away (tho animatedly so) is probably not a very good show of sanity either.
I cuss too much.
N thinking, n saying random thoughts.
真正爱你的男人, 如果他去机场接你,不会像你期望的 那样捧着玫瑰大声叫“亲爱的”,
只是自然地提过你的行李,然后想用眼睛抱紧你 似的心疼地说,怎么瘦得像豆芽菜了 ?
Im gonna be dead tired during class.
N not sleeping the night before definitely does not put u in the mood for Studying in the 7 hours btwn now n class.
Doesnt exactly put u in the mood for going out Either but that just might be the direction we're heading.
(Going out is bad. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddd.)
The rationale being we could study After class. But with my current mood (not bad, but tired.) it does not seem very likely.
So basically,
not sleeping is very Very bad for you.
very bad very bad
It Also makes you hungry. Like i am now.
N bored.
真正爱你的男人,当你发脾气时, 只会不做声地听你把火发完,
然后慢 慢地说,你明天有课吗?早点睡吧。<--- kinda dum but does sound sweet. i would kill him. unless he said it the right way..
这样的一个好男人,好像很 难才可以遇到吧!又或者你已经遇到 了,但你偏偏不爱他。。。
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