Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the ticking clock

Today is monday.

i woke up early to drive my dad somewhere.
the night before there wasnt too much sleeping, tho not none either..
i escaped to my room early(ier than normal) actually bcoz of the serious lack of sleep the night before that, knowin tat i wud need some.
(n oso bcoz i was semi drained of any will to wait)
but i spent most of the time reading, and postponing sleep bcoz there was something i had to Do before sleeping. only i postponed n postponed. n eventually didnt do it.

the week before saw me giving up, tired of any form of waiting.
s'funny how much you can miss out on in a week...

today i have slept 3 times so far.
once was the customary night/morning sleep.
nex was just before work.
n lastly after work where i konked out eventho i knew i technically oni had an hour, bcoz there was a prior arrangement of a meeting at night.

that was 8..
oh was it only half an hour?
coz at half past i heard from the boy.
so then i spent the nex hour, hour and half reasoning to myself about getting up and (also) replying.
which meant for that hour i was basically dreaming that i had made my reply n stuff, while constantly waking up.
finally forced myself out of bed before 10, bcoz i felt duty bound to find out why dear friend had screamed. (:p haha)

by then the boy wasnt interested in replying anymore.

n den i find dear friend busy peebling, jus before the powers that be (higher powers my dear, not the one in the nex room.. haha..) make it clear that i will not be hearing about any screaming. bcoz someone needs to be studying. :p
(we believe in signs from above. right? haha.. well you better la :p)

so what did i get up for?
there was something else i needed to do.. but i felt that it wud be too late n too long n i wasnt up for stayin up again.. n because i knew how likely it wud be that after all that waiting, i wud end up being slighted anyways.
luckily, without having to purposely wait too long, i managed to get something sorta done..

(altho i also have to admit.. i made a mistake somewhere tonight.. altho it wasnt my responsibilty, n hence nor my fault.. i guess i shudve been a lil bit more observant n prevented other ppls mistakes. hmm.)

ahh. i apologize that i have not / will not / cannot make things clear.

i need to head to bed soon.
bcoz tmr is another early day.
n so is the day after i believe.

n hmm i am due for my 2nd 2nd booster for hep B.
past due for over 3 weeks.
die. argh.

why another pointless post?

Today is monday.

some people are studying; some people are bumming.
some people are sleeping; some people cannot.
some people are breaking hearts; some people have their hearts broken.
some people are tired; some people are fighting to hold on.
some people are busy working very hard, n only have time for certain other some people; some people are wishing n avoiding.

some people have the right to be hurt; some people do not.
some people are traveling to where their hearts lie; some people are running away.
some people need to fight so hard just to survive n stay strong; some people think they wanna try, but are never sincere enough.

Today is monday.

i miss you.
i miss who you are.

today is monday n today i get to hear the truth.
which is all i needed.

n which reminds me of your truth.
which i have always known, but never got.

i wonder how many yrs it took me accept n admit your truth.
that you never gave.

Today is monday.

Some people know you do have the time for them; some people know you do not.

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