Tuesday, December 25, 2007

two dots. n perfection will never come.

Starbucks much anticipated Christmas beverages are Back!

For a limited time, favorites such as rich Toffee Nut Latte, delightful Peppermint Mocha and exciting new Praline Mocha are offered in all Starbucks stores.

These beverages continue to remind us of the spirit of celebration to be shared with friends and family during this special time of the year.

now Wake up in the morning to the delicious smell of Roasted Nuts, ....


Now just TELL me that did not crack you up!

Right there!


(ok. maybe it didnt. pffft.)


Today while i was out,

the lights (where i was at) busted twice!

n Both times they went off with this loud 'Pop' sound

coz one of the lights fused n exploded or something

n the poor guy sitting under the light

freaked out.

Both times.


By the second time i was like

Maaybe its time you Moved away from the light, dude.

Stay away from the light!!

~ MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!~


Got bunch of stuff, mostly clothes, mostly Yellow! this year.


got a Labrador!(ite) :p

its a kinda stone.

as earrings.

Its supposed to help me concentrate
n persevere
n for procrastinators! (i so fit the bill)

n i shall choose to believe in it in this critical one week.

(tho technically so far it hasnt worked yet, as im still here, slacking.)

Its also supposed to
"provide quick relief from anxiety, hopelessness and depression, replacing them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and inspiration."

which is funny considering i cried while havin them on.

well, maybe they helped end the tears fast?

you never know.

Anyways whatever it is

considering i need this. ahem.

I shall be havin em on for the next 2 weeks.

Need all the help i can get. ;)

(altho i wont be able to wear them for my practical, coz theyre dangly, n we're not supposed to have things that might fall in the patients faces.)

{which actually reminds me that i need to go get pen-torches before the exam, someone Please remind me. pffft.}

What great timing for the gift huh.

altho, i could always have done with it earlier. :p

oh well.
be happy with what you can get.


Gonna go make the earrings powers come true now.

P.S. If you can say it, then you're right. You're not.

P.P.S. Oh I Managed to chance by the babies presents today on my way back for dinner! Wheee. :p I (really quite) like atleast one of them. N so far the adults liked the other. hehheh.

P.P.P.S. Can i go to sleep without having studied?

P.P.P.P.S. Why is it so hard for ppl to understand that just because Christmas isnt a big deal to them, doesnt mean its not to me.
(I expected more from you.
You weren't there for me today. (tho you always say i am for you.)
n then you brushed off the importance i place on Christmas.)


Ashwin said...

i wont be able to wear them for my practical, coz theyre dangly, n we're not supposed to have things that might fall in the patients faces


Allyssa said...


Atleast i didnt say fall into their opened abdomen or something. =P