Monday, December 17, 2007

would it have been

When someone gives you something you dont ask for

it might not by necessary to give thanks.

But if someone gives you something you do ask for

you've gotta.


Need to not play my cards.

Next stop will be the opposite.
bcoz i was wrong
it wasnt (purely) of your own will
it was my doing..
(unintentional or otherwise)

When the shit hits the fan,

yell oh shit oh shit oh shit

n run.

but remember to keep your face down.

hindsight is a great but useless thing

foresight is wonderful.

so if someone invents a time machine
let me know,

so i can turn hindsight into foresight.

been thinking bout that all night long

if not for months (years) now.

n no, its not the most obvious answer.

oh shit. oh shit. oh shit.

rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions.

P.S. todays gonna be a long long
draining n sucky day
and then still suck some.


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