Friday, December 18, 2009

we get this sometimes

Today will forever be known as the day that i walked out of the house in one half of two Different pairs of shoes on each feet! (n got all the way to the hospital too before i realised!)

Things to be happy about today.

- My unfinished report getting an 'i'm impressed!' from my supervisor! Woot!
- Presentation that didnt get to be brilliant what with the lack of amenities! but was cool anyways. I'll enjoy all the pics i put in even if no one can. :p
- Lancaster (free ride n free food too! xmas lunch no less!) which was - Awesome~
- Snow in Preston. like. Serious snow man. (no, not enough to make a snowman though.)
- This being the day just past all the hormonal 'pre' period. *cough* (oo. Look at my most suitable use of words! Muahah!)
- The impending END to all this nonsense n OFF to DINNER n MOVIE n RELAXATION n PARIS (n LONDON!) after todayyyyyy!!!
(After i actually FINISH my report tonight though that is. Damn why didnt i actually Pay attention when she was telling me what to put in. Hm.)

Ah joy.

Definitely not the THREE MARKS im short to an HONOURS GODDAMIT!



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a thought..

Friendships or relationships, they change all the time.
they grow or they ebb,
people drift in, drift out, or drift away.

Dynamics change.
Roles reverse.

Not many things stay the same.

Sometimes, you get closer, and then drift apart, and then get closer again.
Sometimes you find yourself missing out on the others life, but you both think, 'isnt this what happens?'
Sometimes, you find yourself slowly inching out, unknowingly maybe, until one day you go, "Hey, whats happened here? What do we have left? Maybe its time to bail."
Sometimes you wake up one day and think, "God, what have we done? How did we get to this?"

So when is it time to decide?
When is it time to reevaluate your relationships?
When isit time to wake up n choose which ones to hold on to, which ones to let go.
which ones to fight for. (not that many maybe)

Or do we all sit here quietly n 'let things take their course'
because after all,
why should we be responsible for who gets to be in our lives,
n whose lives we get to be in?

Monday, December 7, 2009


because i am editing the words i had thought up just a few minutes ago

what i will say is

this image of jumping off the ledge has been running through my head all weekend.

hmm indeed.

(maybe this is why i dont tell you, or anyone, how i feel.)
